Old To Do:

  1. Deal with Arabelle and the Vistani men. (Reward? Information? Allies?)
  2. Work on the children angle
    -Check in with Blinsky (since we’ve found ourselves back in town)
    -Ask him and others about Mad Mary’s daughter and her doll
    -Should also ask about Morgantha who is kidnapping children and selling dream pastries, maybe she’s living in a gingerbread house, all we need to do is follow breadcrumbs
  3. Check out the mad wizard of Mt Baratok
  4. Check in on Elgian’s windmill as a potential base of operations
  5. Check on the wine order from the Wizard of Wines Vinyard
  6. Check out the marshes that were mentioned (should we take the two guides from the bar?)
  7. Amber Castle

Vallaki To do:

  • I want to talk to Ireena and ask about her doppelganger marionette.
  • I want to talk to the Burgomaster and Issac and make common cause (if the group agrees).
  • I want to find out what was the deal with the Ricktavio wagon.
  • I wanted to see what became of Henrick, his house, and the vampire spawn that we battled.
  • If time permits, I’d like to see about the mad wizard across the lake
  • I’d like to go back to the inn and also see if there might be some suss out some more information, resources or allies

At the end of their rather long day the group decides to rest at the church. Mondross and Ada drink the water they saved from Hayden’s Spring, Mondross noticing a shudder washing over him as he drinks. After a night’s rest Ada feels magical energy in her hand and has the impression that she could enchant something, if she chose, by touching it. Mondross notices nothing different about himself. Following all this talk of spring water, Corrina decides to test her feather-fall ability and notes that while it is still in effect it is slightly weaker than it had been.

Back at the Blue Water Inn, Ismark and Ireena have spent the last day keeping a low profile. Having spoken to Darakova, the innkeeper, Ismark learns that there are two trouble making brothers (Nikola and Karl Wachter) who frequent the inn’s bar and belong to a family which has ties to Strahd. Their mother outwardly hates the Burgomaster, but her alleged connection to Strahd keeps her from being punished for this. It is also said that she has a mad daughter who is kept locked away.

The next morning our main group leaves the church with a warm send-off from Father Petrovich and heads to the Blue Water Inn where they find Ismark and Ireena eating breakfast but no other patrons. Corrina starts questioning Ireena about the doll bearing her features in Blinsky’s shop, but Ireena claims to have never been to Villaki before nor to have ever met anyone who could be involved in the ordering or making of the doll. Meanwhile, through ordering their own breakfast and asking about the figure on the coins (which resembles the marionette found in Blinsky’s shop) the group learns that the figure is that of Count Strahd.

Shortly after this exchange the door opens and an elderly half-elf comes in. He is dressed quite colorfully, especially for the area, so it is not difficult to guess that he is a traveler as well. Mondross approaches him and we learn that he is none other than Rictavio and that he is indeed a carnival ring master from a far away land, though he is currently on “hiatus”. Curious about the creature in his caravan, Corrina asks if he works with any big cats. He says he has worked with many animals in the past, but none currently. Noticing that they are both bards, Rictavio and Mondross make plans to swap stories that night at the inn and Rictavio retreats to his room.

The group decides to visit the Burgomaster under the pretense of being a group of travelling performers, taking Ismark along as their “manager”. Ireena is sent up to her room for safekeeping and Karadoc is left behind to babysit. On the way to the Burgomaster’s the group decides to stop by Arasek’s Stockyard to pick up some provisions. A healing kit catches their eye, but is out of their price range at 25 gold apiece. In an attempt to lower the price, Elmer begins talking to the shop owners, Gunther and Yelena, about all the good works or group have done and continue to do. Half a hour later the price has been reduced to 12 gold and the group leaves with a healing kit and an invitation to dinner.

Passing by the inn again, the group stops so that Corrina can have a brief conversation with some ravens. She learns that Rictavio stops by his caravan every morning and drops food into it through the top for some unknown creature. The ravens end the conversation with a warning to be careful “of everything”.

Finally reaching the Burgomaster’s residence the groups encounters a three people carrying bundles of twigs. We follow them inside to see that there are a large number of such bundles inside as well. A maid informs us that the twigs are for tomorrow’s festival and leads us to a waiting room where we will be allowed to meet with the Burgomaster. After 20 minutes (which Corrina spends rearranging the furniture in the room) Isaac, the Burgomaster, and two large dogs come in. The Burgomaster smells slightly musty and Isaac carries a ring of keys on his belt loop. Elgian addressed them, claiming that the group offers its services for tomorrow’s festival. The Burgomaster seems thrilled with the idea, especially after a short demonstration of the group’s skills. He keeps saying that it will be the greatest festival yet, it will keep the devil at bay, and, of course, all will be well. Corrina asks about pay, and we are promised two gold for our services. As the group prepares to leave, Ismark realizes that Isaac bears an odd resemblance to Ireena.

As the maid begins to escort the group out of the house we overhear the sound of women talking and Corrina claims to hear a friend of hers. The maid says it is the Baroness and some of her friends, but we would likely be welcome to join them. Opening the door, Corrina recognizes several of the women from her previous visit to the house. She repeats that she thought she heard a friend of hers and we are invited to join the ladies for tea and cake. The Baroness seems completely focused on the decorations for tomorrow’s festival. We inform her that we are going to perform tomorrow and she asks us to come by in the morning for costumes.

It is still mid-morning as the group leaves the Burgomaster’s house, so we decide to go looking for the mad wizard. We stop by the inn to pick up and disguise Ireena then make our way to the lake and row across to the base of the mountain. There is no sign of human life on shore. The group decides to climb above the layer of fog that covers the valley, only to see an elk on a rocky outcrop. Slowly, the elk begins to transform into a man with black and grey hair, his eye crackling with eldritch power.

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